Saturday, July 23, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-22-11 - Open Lines

Coast to Coast AM - 07-22-11 - Open Lines  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Open Lines, Marc Zicree, Joseph Lani

In the first hour, George spoke with writer Marc Zicree about The Twilight Zone and his recent projects. In the next hour, retired NYC Police Detective Sergeant Joseph Lani discussed how he began communicating with the dead. Open Lines followed.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-21-11 - Summer Psychic Special

Coast to Coast AM - 07-21-11 - Summer Psychic Special  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Joseph Jacobs, Maureen Hancock, Angela Moore, Tim Ball

Three psychics shared what they see ahead for the nation and the world over the next six months. First up, was Joe Jacobs, who sees the United States being in a difficult year. The time frame of July 4th through August 24th is filled with miscommunications and misunderstandings, and he believes that only a temporary measure for the debt ceiling will be reached during this time. September could be a more constructive month for Congress, while he sees migrations taking place in October, and heavy storms and weather problems in December and February.

Maureen Hancock, who has a new TV show (Psychic in Suburbia premiering on the Style Network on Sat. July 30th), shared a number of specific predictions:

* Casey Anthony becomes pregnant in the next six months.
* A devastating category 4 hurricane hits the Carolinas around the end of September.
* New documents about the Kennedy family will come out, revealing information about Ted Kennedy in particular.
* Terrorism threats for Chicago in late summer, as well as for Madrid in the next 3-4 months. A threat in downtown LA will be thwarted.

In the last hour, Angela Moore spoke of Americans dealing with increased anxiety surrounding security and money. There could be a lot of disharmony-- possibly rioting, in relation to the growing chasm between the rich and poor, she detailed. She senses terrorist plots both for the US West Coast and abroad, which may involve transportation. Moore also foresees an asteroid or unknown heavenly body heading near Earth, which she mentally perceived as a kind of wave form.

Climategate Update

First hour guest, environmental consultant Tim Ball offered commentary on 'Climategate' controversies. The emails revealing faulty climate models were first leaked to the BBC, which has recently been accused of pushing the 'green agenda.' The idea of "carbon pollution" is wrong scientifically, said Ball. "To suggest that CO2's a pollutant when it's an extremely important gas in the atmosphere for all plant life and therefore for the oxygen that's produced, is just nonsense," he added.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-20-11 - Paranormal Documentaries - Space News

Coast to Coast AM - 07-20-11 - Paranormal Documentaries - Space News  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Philip Booth, Christopher Booth, Richard C. Hoagland

In the first half of the show, paranormal documentary filmmakers, Christopher & Philip Booth, spoke about their current film, Soul Catcher, as well as past projects. In Soul Catcher they explored haunted Native American boarding schools built along the infamous Trail of Tears, where Indians were relocated in the 1800s. Working with Indian guides, and a Native American ghosthunting team, the Booths said they gathered some of the best evidence for the paranormal in all of their 8 documentaries. Elders told them they would see an elemental spirit, and one was caught on camera, they said. A white-colored Shadow Person "rose up in front of us like an angel," and went right to one of the Indian boarding schools (many of which were built on burial mounds), they added.

They also talked about their film, Children of the Grave, where they investigated a haunted orphanage in Indianapolis that was said to have a mass grave for 699 children. They recorded an EVP there "that sounded like a thousand children screaming." In their fictional film Death Tunnel, which they shot at an old tuberculosis hospital, they learned about a haunted tunnel that ran underneath the hospital, which was used to transport deceased patients. Their further investigations of the tunnel led to their documentary Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills Sanatorium.


In the second half, as the Shuttle prepared to land on its last mission, C2C Science advisor Richard C. Hoagland discussed what he views as coming "game changer" events. NASA, he said, was for once, telling the truth about data they've been receiving from a space exploration-- in this case, sharing revealing photos of the Vesta asteroid, sent back by the Dawn spacecraft (see below). Hoagland suggested that the Vesta photos show evidence of geometric shapes that indicate ruins. The asteroid may in fact be a huge space station built by a Type 2 civilization, he announced.

The other game changer is the arrival of comet Elenin, which will make its closest pass on 9/11/11, and demonstrates numerical evidence of being artificially made, he continued. The object is on a hyperbolic trajectory which means that it has never passed the sun before. Hoagland theorized that the comet could be a kind of time capsule, possibly sent to us by an Atlantean civilization around 13,000 years ago.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-19-11 - The State of Science

Coast to Coast AM - 07-19-11 - The State of Science  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Charles Seife, Jonathan Emord

Associate professor and science writer, Charles Seife, discussed the state of science including the end of the Space Shuttle program, as well as recent discoveries and theories in physics and astronomy. "Good riddance" to the Shuttle program, he said, noting that the program ate up a lot of NASA's budget ($400 million per Shuttle launch) and didn't produce that much in the way of scientific discoveries. There were only three peer-reviewed publications that came out of Shuttle science in the 1990s, and things didn't improve much in the last decade, he commented.

While the Shuttle program played an important role with the International Space Station, their science projects, aside from a few exceptions, weren't much better than a high school science fair, he continued. Part of the rationale for the Shuttle design was for military purposes and rocket launches, and this was never fully realized. The whole Shuttle program lacked a goal, "and in some ways NASA has been dying a long protracted death ever since the Apollo missions ended," Seife stated.

In addressing various cosmological topics, he suggested that it's possible our universe is just one sheet in a larger dimensional universe, and "the Big Bang was actually our sheet colliding into another sheet." The Planck satellite has been collecting data on cosmic background radiation, which may eventually point to the idea that the universe is a 4-dimensional sheet in a 11-dimensional universe, he reported. Seife's wish list for NASA is to launch more robotic missions to planets that haven't been explored, as well as launch satellites to observe stars in as many wavelengths as possible. "Astronomy just really suffers from a lack of observation," with astronomers fighting over telescope time, he lamented.

FDA & Supplements

First hour guest, constitutional lawyer specializing in food and drug law, Jonathan Emord, shared updates on new FDA regulations. The FDA has adopted a New Dietary Ingredient guidance plan, which could in effect force out of the market numerous supplements and herbs that are presently consumed safely, he warned. A proposed Dietary Supplement Labeling Act could also reduce product availability, he added.

Gary Sinise Foundation

Toward the top of the show, actor Gary Sinise talked about his Foundation dedicated to serving the U.S. by honoring its defenders, veterans, & first responders.

Coast to Coast AM - 01-14-10 - Appalachian UFO Sightings

Coast to Coast AM - 01-14-10 - Appalachian UFO Sightings  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Kyle Lovern, Stanton Friedman, Michael Horn

Joined by ufologist Stanton Friedman, author Kyle Lovern discussed the history of UFO sightings over West Virginia, Kentucky and Virginia. The writer of two books on sightings in the Appalachian region, Lovern said he wanted to bring attention to cases that hadn't been previously written about, which occurred in mostly small towns. One such case took place in Wayne County in 1968-- a witness described seeing a triangular craft that "looked like the bottom of a Norelco razor."

In 2003, in Morehead, KY, a college professor and his two sons observed a UFO that landed near their neighborhood, Lovern recounted. During the incident, a woman was heard screaming, and then the UFO took off. Police investigated and the screams remained unexplained. Lovern also spoke about the Thomas Mantell UFO incident of 1948, in which a KY Air National Guard pilot was killed when his aircraft crashed after he attempted to chase a circular UFO, which some believe shot him down.

Lovern said he is most astounded by cases in which huge craft-- the size of three football fields, for instance-- are sighted, such as in Matewan, W. Virginia. Friedman, who mentioned he's teaching online classes in ufology at the International Metaphysical University, talked about the Betty & Barney Hill abduction case, as well as various theories as to why ETs are visiting Earth.

Meier's 'Red Meteor' Prophecy

Last hour guest, Michael Horn, the US representative for the Billy Meier contacts, reported on Meier's prophecy of a "red meteor," which Horn believes is the asteroid Apophis that could impact Earth in 2036. Russia, he noted, is considering a mission to deflect Apophis.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-18-11 - Strange Creatures

Coast to Coast AM - 07-18-11 - Strange Creatures  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Ken Gerhard, Catherine Austin Fitts

Cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard discussed his research into various strange creatures including Mothman, Thunderbirds, chupacabras, lake monsters, the Jersey Devil, cryptid cats, and Bigfoot. There are two different types of creatures called chupacabras-- hairless canine-like animals spotted in the American Southwest, and the stranger bipedal entities with spines along their back seen in Puerto Rico. A recent sighting in Texas turned out to be a coyote with mange, he noted. Regarding Thunderbirds, there are birds in the fossil record that had wingspans of up to 24 ft. across, "and who's to say they don't exist still?" he mused. There are worldwide legends of gigantic birds, including a number of similar accounts from North American Indian tribes. "Of course, the name Thunderbird speaks to the fact that they felt these birds could actually shoot lightning from the eyes, and beat thunder from their wings," he shared.

Gerhard mounted a couple of expeditions to search for Bigfoot in Central America. The nation of Belize has a history of accounts of two-types of unidentified hominids, one similar in description to the Sasquatch, another a pygmy-sized version standing only about 3-ft. tall. The Skunk Ape in Florida has been described as smaller than the Bigfoot seen in the Northwest, and is said to move on all four legs and as well as walk as upright, he detailed.

"Mothman is one of the most enigmatic and notorious figures in the annals of the unexplained," Gerhard commented, adding that it's possible it could have been a Thunderbird that was interpreted differently by witnesses. In 2009, there were sightings in Mexico of a Mothman-like creature-- a humanoid with giant wings, he reported. He also spoke about the 'Beast of Gevaudan,' a giant and ferocious super-wolf that was said to kill 60-100 people in France during the 18th century. Callers added to the evening's mix, describing their fascinating encounters with strange, unknown creatures.

Economy Update

First hour guest, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts talked about the debt ceiling problem, as well as the rise in gold prices. America's debt ceiling is related to how citizens' social security contributions have gone to fund investments and paying on the deficit, and now that more people are retiring and wanting their payouts, the money isn't available to use for this financing, she explained. While gold is high right now, silver has the potential to outperform it, she noted. However, silver's value tends to be much more volatile than gold, she added.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-17-11 - Ruppelt & 1950s Ufology

Coast to Coast AM - 07-17-11 - Ruppelt & 1950s Ufology  <--

Host: George Knapp
Guests: Colin Bennett

Author Colin Bennett (book link) joined George Knapp to discuss the founding father of ufology, Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, a US Air Force officer who researched UFO sightings in the 1950s and made a concentrated effort to convince the United States Air Force that UFOs are real. Project Sign, the Air Force's first investigation into UFOs, presented a variety of cases and analysis to General Hoyt Vandenburg, but he couldn't abide by the report's conclusion that some of the sightings were interplanetary craft, and ordered that every copy of the report be destroyed.

Capt. Ruppelt coined the term 'UFO' and was a heroic figure, who directed Project Grudge (after Proj. Sign was canceled) with a fair and open mind, and was later involved in Project Blue Book, said Bennett. One of the significant cases Ruppelt investigated took place in Alaska in 1952, in which three different F-94 jets were scrambled to chase after a UFO. One came within 200 yards of the craft, and "observed a solid disc."

Ruppelt was staying in Washington D.C. during the famed UFO wave of July 1952 in which unidentified craft were spotted on radar, and fighter pilots unsuccessfully chased "orbs." The Pentagon held a press conference, trotting out weather experts to say that the orb sightings were caused by a "temperature inversion." Ruppelt was at the conference but not allowed to speak, Bennett noted. When Pres. Truman wanted answers about the UFO question, he went directly to Ruppelt. While Ruppelt's UFO investigations began in a more innocent era, eventually things turned darker with the CIA's involvement. Ultimately, people such as Ruppelt may have been killed off in order to keep them silent, Bennett ominously suggested.

Gravity & Weather Manipulation

First hour guest, scientist Maurice Cotterell talked about his theory of gravity, which he believes is related to how some weather and storm patterns work. There is a possibility some tornadoes could be man-made, via beaming gravity waves on top of storm clouds, and creating the vortices necessary to get the tornadoes spinning, he revealed.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-16-11 - River Monsters

Coast to Coast AM - 07-16-11 - River Monsters  <--

Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Jeremy Wade, Tom Shadyac

Zoologist and TV host Jeremy Wade joined Ian to discuss the weirdest and most bizarre monsters he has uncovered in remote rivers all over the world.

In the first hour, film director Tom Shadyac talked about his new documentary which challenges some of today's most intelligent thinkers with two questions: What's wrong with our world and what can we do about it?

Coast to Coast AM - 07-15-11 - Earthbound Spirits & 'Full Moon' Open Lines

Coast to Coast AM - 07-15-11 - Earthbound Spirits & 'Full Moon' Open Lines  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Mary Ann Winkowski, Open Lines

In the first half of the program, ghostbuster Mary Ann Winkowski talked about her interactions with earthbound spirits—an ability she claims to have had since early childhood. "When you die and you don't cross over, you have the same personality you had when you were alive," she explained, noting how the attitudes of spirits have changed over time. According to Winkowski, ghosts from the late-1800s to early-1900s are simple and down to earth, while spirits of people who have died recently are belligerent, vengeful, and seemingly unconcerned about being dead and stuck in the Earth plane. She expressed concern about young adults calling on the dark power of demon-like earthbound spirits, and the unintended consequences this can sometimes have on innocent bystanders, such as neighbors.

Negative activities can "blow open a portal" that allows the nastiest kind of earthbound spirits to enter a home, she continued. Winkowski shared details from a haunting case involving a house inhabited by two ghosts, one of whom had followed the husband from a previous address. The disbelieving husband was shocked to learn the spirit belonged to a deceased man who had once been a neighbor and the owner of his home, she added. Winkowski said she enjoys attending funerals of people who when alive did not believe in existence beyond death, and seeing their newly-departed spirits discover there is an afterlife. She also recalled the time she encountered one of Shakespeare's twin daughters, as well as announced the forthcoming release of a cookbook, Beyond Delicious, filled with recipes provided to her by the dearly departed.


During 'Full Moon' Open Lines, Tony from Kalamazoo described growing up in numerous houses where paranormal activity was commonplace, and recalled a bizarre experience he had at seventeen. According to Tony, as he was awaking one morning, when he suddenly became exhausted and comfortable, the bedroom went completely dark, and a voice asked, "Are you ready?" Tony told George that he knew this meant his life was over so he answered, "Yes," but the voice told him it was not his time yet, and the comfort and blackness immediately faded back into his bedroom.

Darlene in Las Vegas talked about the time Bob Lazar walked into her place of employment. She said Lazar revealed that he worked at Area 51 and was involved in back-engineering extraterrestrial technology, including a power source the size of a basketball that could last for a thousand years. Darlene noted that Lazar told her, "If people knew what our government knows, it would shake the religious precepts of the world against their very foundations."

Carl, a trucker from Huntsville, Alabama, shared a touching story about seeing the space shuttle for the first time, and how his deceased father lives on through the NASA projects he helped create.