Coast to Coast AM - 09-01-11 - Gravity, UFOs, & Mars <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. John Brandenburg, James McCanney
Continuing Einstein's quest for a Unified Field Theory, plasma physicist Dr. John Brandenburg presented his theory which connects gravity and electromagnetism. Calling it the GEM unification theory, he explained that electromagnetism actually has three forces-- electric, magnetic, and the pressure of light, or radiation pressure. It's this third force that unifies gravity and electromagnetism, he said, citing the work of Sakharov who proposed that the sea of electromagnetic energy around us (also called zero point energy) exerts a radiation pressure that drives objects together, and is the source of gravity.
Based on this theory, control of gravity by electromagnetism is possible, and would explain how UFOs are able to visit us from other star systems, he said. "If you're going to travel long want to bend space-time, which is gravity modification-- gravity is the curvature of space-time," he noted, adding that space-time can be changed around a ship itself, turning it into a faster-than-light particle, which would use little energy. The key to making gravity modification is to create a vortex of electromagnetism which allows you to change local gravity, and if you do this under a dome it creates an upward pressure on the dome, hence a flying saucer," he continued.
Brandenburg also reviewed his research with Vince DiPietro and Richard C. Hoagland into the Face on Mars, and Cydonia artifacts, as well as presented evidence that the Red Planet may have been wracked by a nuclear catastrophe, like a bomb of a million megatons. A rare isotope, xenon 129, is found on Mars, and is associated with nuclear explosions, he detailed.
Comet Elenin Update
First hour guest, physicist James McCanney talked about Comet Elenin, and other space-related topics. He concurred with the recent analysis that Elenin's nucleus may have broken up into smaller pieces. People have been inundated with a lot of incorrect and incendiary information about the comet, which actually posed no danger to Earth, he commented. He also suggested that because Venus always shows its same side to Earth, this indicates it once had a gravitational coupling with our planet, like the moon.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Coast to Coast AM - 08-31-11 - Prophecy & Disasters
Coast to Coast AM - 08-31-11 - Prophecy & Disasters <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: John Hogue, Dr. Peter Breggin
Authority on Nostradamus and prophetic traditions, John Hogue, discussed how September will be the most dramatic month of the year with seismic activity hitting not only nature, but the economy, politics, and the Middle East. He foresees seven different earthshaking events to occur, or get their start in September 2012:
* United Nations declares Palestine a sovereign state.
* The European bank crisis worsens.
* Recession in the US returns.
* Hurricane season peaks.
* Syria has a civil war.
* Israeli/Middle East war takes place.
* Earthquakes/tsunamis caused by Comet Elenin.
The Arab-Israeli war could be a short but violent one, in which the Israelis knock out a group such as Hamas, and ironically this could then lead to peace talks, he said.
Hogue talked about how there is no connection between Nostradamus' prophecies and those related to 2012. Nostradamus did single out the year 1999 as significant, and Hogue noted that it was around then that a gradual change of historic seasons began, as we switched from a Piscean to Aquarian age. Hogue said he stands by his prediction that Obama will be reelected in 2012. He also foresees the decade of the 2020s as the most upheaval-filled time in human history, when climate change, population stresses, and other factors reach a critical mass.
Road Rage & Drugs
First hour guest, Dr. Peter Breggin talked about the 'road rage' epidemic, and its connection with anti-depressant drugs, such as SSRIs. These drugs can stimulate a kind of agitation inside a person, so that they're easily triggered into doing something that they wouldn't ordinarily do, such as road rage behavior, he reported. The government and FDA have dragged their feet on recognizing medication-induced violence, even though there's plenty of data for it, he added. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: John Hogue, Dr. Peter Breggin
Authority on Nostradamus and prophetic traditions, John Hogue, discussed how September will be the most dramatic month of the year with seismic activity hitting not only nature, but the economy, politics, and the Middle East. He foresees seven different earthshaking events to occur, or get their start in September 2012:
* United Nations declares Palestine a sovereign state.
* The European bank crisis worsens.
* Recession in the US returns.
* Hurricane season peaks.
* Syria has a civil war.
* Israeli/Middle East war takes place.
* Earthquakes/tsunamis caused by Comet Elenin.
The Arab-Israeli war could be a short but violent one, in which the Israelis knock out a group such as Hamas, and ironically this could then lead to peace talks, he said.
Hogue talked about how there is no connection between Nostradamus' prophecies and those related to 2012. Nostradamus did single out the year 1999 as significant, and Hogue noted that it was around then that a gradual change of historic seasons began, as we switched from a Piscean to Aquarian age. Hogue said he stands by his prediction that Obama will be reelected in 2012. He also foresees the decade of the 2020s as the most upheaval-filled time in human history, when climate change, population stresses, and other factors reach a critical mass.
Road Rage & Drugs
First hour guest, Dr. Peter Breggin talked about the 'road rage' epidemic, and its connection with anti-depressant drugs, such as SSRIs. These drugs can stimulate a kind of agitation inside a person, so that they're easily triggered into doing something that they wouldn't ordinarily do, such as road rage behavior, he reported. The government and FDA have dragged their feet on recognizing medication-induced violence, even though there's plenty of data for it, he added.
Coast to Coast AM
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Coast to Coast AM - 08-24-07 - Ghost Trains & Railroad Folklore
Coast to Coast AM - 08-24-07 - Ghost Trains & Railroad Folklore <--
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Open Lines, Tony Reevy
Filling in for George, Ian Punnett (armed with his new train whistle) welcomed author Tony Reevy during the first half of the program. Reevy talked about railroad folklore and shared stories from his book, Ghost Train: American Railroad Ghost Legends.
Reevy recounted the legend of Screaming Jenny, a burning ghost that some say haunts the tracks near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Employees of the Harpers Ferry train station claim to hear ghostly passenger noises coming from an empty waiting room and the sounds of a phantom steam locomotive, he said.
Reevy also discussed the ghostly wreck at Marshall Pass, the Maco Light and other tales involving decapitated train workers, as well as the story of Abraham Lincoln's funeral train. According to Reevy, a ghost train carrying Lincoln's coffin appears regularly in Illinois in the month of April. Witnesses have reported seeing blue-coated ghosts and a skeleton band playing as well as strange time anomalies as the ghost train passes, Reevy explained.
The remainder of the show featured Open Lines with a special topic line for anyone wanting to share how a Coast to Coast guest changed their life. Several callers phoned in with more ghost light and railroad stories. <--
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Open Lines, Tony Reevy
Filling in for George, Ian Punnett (armed with his new train whistle) welcomed author Tony Reevy during the first half of the program. Reevy talked about railroad folklore and shared stories from his book, Ghost Train: American Railroad Ghost Legends.
Reevy recounted the legend of Screaming Jenny, a burning ghost that some say haunts the tracks near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Employees of the Harpers Ferry train station claim to hear ghostly passenger noises coming from an empty waiting room and the sounds of a phantom steam locomotive, he said.
Reevy also discussed the ghostly wreck at Marshall Pass, the Maco Light and other tales involving decapitated train workers, as well as the story of Abraham Lincoln's funeral train. According to Reevy, a ghost train carrying Lincoln's coffin appears regularly in Illinois in the month of April. Witnesses have reported seeing blue-coated ghosts and a skeleton band playing as well as strange time anomalies as the ghost train passes, Reevy explained.
The remainder of the show featured Open Lines with a special topic line for anyone wanting to share how a Coast to Coast guest changed their life. Several callers phoned in with more ghost light and railroad stories.
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - 08-30-11 - Media Control - Predictions
Coast to Coast AM - 08-30-11 - Media Control - Predictions <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Jim Marrs, Dr. Louis Turi
In the first half, author Jim Marrs shared his concerns over corporate media control, and the decrease in journalistic standards. He cited how US News & World Report recently ran a straw poll for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination, and though they listed 10 candidates, they didn't include Ron Paul. This is not journalism, it's propaganda, he suggested. "We're now under total corporate domination," he continued, naming Time Warner, Universal, Viacom, News Corp., and Disney. "Those five corporations control everything you see and hear," and this goes beyond the news department to include films, television, cable, books, music, and magazines, he said.
Marrs touched on speculations and conspiracies regarding Comet Elenin, the East Coast earthquake, and 9-11. Regarding the quake, there was no seismic activity leading up to it, which was highly unusual and didn't fit the pattern of a normal earthquake, he said, adding that a Russian intelligence agency claimed that the quake was caused by an underground nuclear blast. Addressing what he calls the "trillion dollar conspiracy," he noted that Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Fed, admitted that some $14 trillion of US tax money was sent overseas to prop up foreign banks and corporations.
In the latter half, astrologer, author, and lecturer, Dr. Louis Turi, outlined the various ways we can navigate our future using our subconscious mind, as well as shared his predictions. To create change within oneself, and raise your magnetism, you can think of yourself like a battery that needs to be charged. This charging can be accomplished by focusing on positive energy and thoughts rather than negativity, drinking a concoction of parsley, horseradish, celery and other ingredients to cleanse the body, and walking barefoot, he detailed.
He offered a set of predictions for September, 2011:
* Death/drama/police news – Sept 2nd/18th/30th
* Large earthquakes/explosions/shocking news – Sept 9th/24th
* Middle East/religion/ocean/oil/terrorism - Sept 12th/26th
* Natural disaster/Forced relocation/Hurricane formation - Sept 21st
He also shared a forecast for Jan. 2013, which he sees as a time of rebirth for America, with the opening of the new World Trade Center. We'll see a lessening of negative energy, and a restructuring of the economy, he stated. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Jim Marrs, Dr. Louis Turi
In the first half, author Jim Marrs shared his concerns over corporate media control, and the decrease in journalistic standards. He cited how US News & World Report recently ran a straw poll for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination, and though they listed 10 candidates, they didn't include Ron Paul. This is not journalism, it's propaganda, he suggested. "We're now under total corporate domination," he continued, naming Time Warner, Universal, Viacom, News Corp., and Disney. "Those five corporations control everything you see and hear," and this goes beyond the news department to include films, television, cable, books, music, and magazines, he said.
Marrs touched on speculations and conspiracies regarding Comet Elenin, the East Coast earthquake, and 9-11. Regarding the quake, there was no seismic activity leading up to it, which was highly unusual and didn't fit the pattern of a normal earthquake, he said, adding that a Russian intelligence agency claimed that the quake was caused by an underground nuclear blast. Addressing what he calls the "trillion dollar conspiracy," he noted that Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Fed, admitted that some $14 trillion of US tax money was sent overseas to prop up foreign banks and corporations.
In the latter half, astrologer, author, and lecturer, Dr. Louis Turi, outlined the various ways we can navigate our future using our subconscious mind, as well as shared his predictions. To create change within oneself, and raise your magnetism, you can think of yourself like a battery that needs to be charged. This charging can be accomplished by focusing on positive energy and thoughts rather than negativity, drinking a concoction of parsley, horseradish, celery and other ingredients to cleanse the body, and walking barefoot, he detailed.
He offered a set of predictions for September, 2011:
* Death/drama/police news – Sept 2nd/18th/30th
* Large earthquakes/explosions/shocking news – Sept 9th/24th
* Middle East/religion/ocean/oil/terrorism - Sept 12th/26th
* Natural disaster/Forced relocation/Hurricane formation - Sept 21st
He also shared a forecast for Jan. 2013, which he sees as a time of rebirth for America, with the opening of the new World Trade Center. We'll see a lessening of negative energy, and a restructuring of the economy, he stated.
Coast to Coast AM
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Coast to Coast AM - 08-29-11 - Climate & Space News
Coast to Coast AM - 08-29-11 - Climate & Space News <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Tim Ball, Richard C. Hoagland
In the first half, environmental consultant Tim Ball talked about how reports of Hurricane Irene were based on faulty computer models. The global atmosphere computer models, which were also used to predict global warming, divide the world up into rectangles and take temperature measurements. But for most of the world's locations, there's very limited data, and the models end up becoming a "fantasy," he commented. Further, he suggested that the media, looking for a sensational story, created hype around how severe Irene was going to be. He expressed concern that people may stop heeding such warnings at all, if they continue to be fed inaccurate, sensationalized information.
Hurricanes' paths are very unpredictable, and one reason why Irene went further north than typical was that cold air from the jet stream wasn't pushing it out to sea, he explained. Rather than global warming, current sunspot cycles indicate a cooling trend, possibly a "Little Ice Age," that we can expect to continue until around 2035, he predicted. This information, however, is being "masked" in the official record through the reduction of the number of weather stations that record the average global temperature, he noted. Ball believes that government, clouded by political agendas, should get out of the field of climate research, and just stick to data collection.
In the latter half, C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland shared updates on Comet Elenin and the International Space Station (ISS). "I smell a big political rat," he said, in reaction to a recent report that the ISS could be abandoned. "I think NASA wants to have an empty space station up there," controlled robotically for a certain period of time, he conjectured, adding that without astronauts there to conduct maintenance, the station could fall apart.
When Comet Elenin reaches its closest point to Earth (22 million miles), it will pose no danger to us, yet because of various "hyperdimensional" measurements and parameters, Hoagland has concluded that it has a specifically designed trajectory. It's an artificial object sent by an intelligence, possibly as a kind of time capsule by our ancestors, he argued. It also appears to have a tetrahedral shape (see article below), which suggests it's an actual ship with generators, computers, and controls, he continued. <--
Host: George Noory
Guests: Tim Ball, Richard C. Hoagland
In the first half, environmental consultant Tim Ball talked about how reports of Hurricane Irene were based on faulty computer models. The global atmosphere computer models, which were also used to predict global warming, divide the world up into rectangles and take temperature measurements. But for most of the world's locations, there's very limited data, and the models end up becoming a "fantasy," he commented. Further, he suggested that the media, looking for a sensational story, created hype around how severe Irene was going to be. He expressed concern that people may stop heeding such warnings at all, if they continue to be fed inaccurate, sensationalized information.
Hurricanes' paths are very unpredictable, and one reason why Irene went further north than typical was that cold air from the jet stream wasn't pushing it out to sea, he explained. Rather than global warming, current sunspot cycles indicate a cooling trend, possibly a "Little Ice Age," that we can expect to continue until around 2035, he predicted. This information, however, is being "masked" in the official record through the reduction of the number of weather stations that record the average global temperature, he noted. Ball believes that government, clouded by political agendas, should get out of the field of climate research, and just stick to data collection.
In the latter half, C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland shared updates on Comet Elenin and the International Space Station (ISS). "I smell a big political rat," he said, in reaction to a recent report that the ISS could be abandoned. "I think NASA wants to have an empty space station up there," controlled robotically for a certain period of time, he conjectured, adding that without astronauts there to conduct maintenance, the station could fall apart.
When Comet Elenin reaches its closest point to Earth (22 million miles), it will pose no danger to us, yet because of various "hyperdimensional" measurements and parameters, Hoagland has concluded that it has a specifically designed trajectory. It's an artificial object sent by an intelligence, possibly as a kind of time capsule by our ancestors, he argued. It also appears to have a tetrahedral shape (see article below), which suggests it's an actual ship with generators, computers, and controls, he continued.
Coast to Coast AM
Monday, August 29, 2011
Coast to Coast AM - 08-28-11 - UFO Special
Coast to Coast AM - 08-28-11 - UFO Special <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: John Schuessler, Alejandro Rojas, Antonio Huneeus
In the first half, George Knapp welcomed founding member of the Mutual UFO Network and current MUFON International Director, John Schuessler, for a review of his 40 years researching UFOs. Then, in the latter half, ufologists from, Alejandro Rojas and Antonio Huneeus, discussed international UFO studies and the current state of ufology.
Schuessler traced his interest in UFOs back to his days working as an engineer on the Gemini space program. He explained that he'd overheard astronaut Jim McDivitt tell mission control that he'd seen a UFO while aboard the Gemini 4 craft. A curious Schuessler then began asking questions amongst his fellow engineers, but was rebuffed by his colleagues who warned him against inquiring about the phenomenon. Undeterred, he continued his investigation into UFOs, with the hope that studying them would ultimately allow for radical advancements in human space flight capabilities. "I believe there was a technology involved and I believe that we could do much greater things in space if we would mimic that technology," he surmised.
Reflecting on the evolution of his study into UFOs, Schuessler recalled how "I thought, in the beginning, that I would be able to get answers." However, he said that his perspective changed about 20 years ago and he concluded that "it's not gonna come. It's just too blocked. It's not gonna happen." To that end, while he conceded that "we're not close to answering" questions surrounding the origin or agenda behind UFOs, but the reality behind the phenomenon is certain. "Are they real? Yes. Is it happening? Yes," Schuessler declared. Over the course of his appearance, he also discussed his extensive investigation into the legendary Cash Landrum UFO incident as well as his thoughts on why NASA stopped going to the moon.
Addressing the latest release of UFO files from the UK's Ministry of Defense, Huneeus contended that, rather than outright debunking UFOs, the agency's agenda was to dismiss the phenomenon by saying that it had "no defense significance." However, Rojas noted, former head of the MOD UFO desk, Nick Pope, recently revealed that he downplayed the government's interest in UFOs while also having knowledge of a program that was studying the phenomenon. As such, Rojas surmised that "there are people looking into this and taking it serious ... unfortunately, we don't get to see those files." Huneeus and Rojas also covered the latest developments in Latin American UFO studies as well as their take on last Summer's reports that an unknown craft caused Chinese airports to shut down.
In looking at where UFO research needs to go in the future, Rojas stressed that "we've got to keep reminding people of the great evidence that is out there." By doing this, he said, hopefully the media and academia will, over time, begin to give the subject a fair examination. Should this occur, Rojas said, the necessary funds and expertise would emerge and "then we have a chance to actually figure something out." Having studied UFOs for over 30 years, Huneeus mused that, despite lacking solid proof of the phenomenon's existence, ufology continues its attempting to solve the enigma because "so long as it's a mystery, we have to keep trying." <--
Host: George Knapp
Guests: John Schuessler, Alejandro Rojas, Antonio Huneeus
In the first half, George Knapp welcomed founding member of the Mutual UFO Network and current MUFON International Director, John Schuessler, for a review of his 40 years researching UFOs. Then, in the latter half, ufologists from, Alejandro Rojas and Antonio Huneeus, discussed international UFO studies and the current state of ufology.
Schuessler traced his interest in UFOs back to his days working as an engineer on the Gemini space program. He explained that he'd overheard astronaut Jim McDivitt tell mission control that he'd seen a UFO while aboard the Gemini 4 craft. A curious Schuessler then began asking questions amongst his fellow engineers, but was rebuffed by his colleagues who warned him against inquiring about the phenomenon. Undeterred, he continued his investigation into UFOs, with the hope that studying them would ultimately allow for radical advancements in human space flight capabilities. "I believe there was a technology involved and I believe that we could do much greater things in space if we would mimic that technology," he surmised.
Reflecting on the evolution of his study into UFOs, Schuessler recalled how "I thought, in the beginning, that I would be able to get answers." However, he said that his perspective changed about 20 years ago and he concluded that "it's not gonna come. It's just too blocked. It's not gonna happen." To that end, while he conceded that "we're not close to answering" questions surrounding the origin or agenda behind UFOs, but the reality behind the phenomenon is certain. "Are they real? Yes. Is it happening? Yes," Schuessler declared. Over the course of his appearance, he also discussed his extensive investigation into the legendary Cash Landrum UFO incident as well as his thoughts on why NASA stopped going to the moon.
Addressing the latest release of UFO files from the UK's Ministry of Defense, Huneeus contended that, rather than outright debunking UFOs, the agency's agenda was to dismiss the phenomenon by saying that it had "no defense significance." However, Rojas noted, former head of the MOD UFO desk, Nick Pope, recently revealed that he downplayed the government's interest in UFOs while also having knowledge of a program that was studying the phenomenon. As such, Rojas surmised that "there are people looking into this and taking it serious ... unfortunately, we don't get to see those files." Huneeus and Rojas also covered the latest developments in Latin American UFO studies as well as their take on last Summer's reports that an unknown craft caused Chinese airports to shut down.
In looking at where UFO research needs to go in the future, Rojas stressed that "we've got to keep reminding people of the great evidence that is out there." By doing this, he said, hopefully the media and academia will, over time, begin to give the subject a fair examination. Should this occur, Rojas said, the necessary funds and expertise would emerge and "then we have a chance to actually figure something out." Having studied UFOs for over 30 years, Huneeus mused that, despite lacking solid proof of the phenomenon's existence, ufology continues its attempting to solve the enigma because "so long as it's a mystery, we have to keep trying."
Coast to Coast AM
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Dreamland - 08-26-11 - The Times They are A'Changin' AND HOW!
Dreamland - 08-26-11 - The Times They are A'Changin' AND HOW! <--
Is this the beginning of the end of the world? Lynne McTaggart will blow your mind with her uplifting, scary and amazingly clear answer to that question. Her new book the Bond is about filling the emptiness between us with a whole new kind of living meaning and relationship. Based on solid science, the Bond reveals that we are much closer to one another than we think, and as our world undergoes increasingly rapid change, we can use her findings to create a whole new kind of human community. <--
Is this the beginning of the end of the world? Lynne McTaggart will blow your mind with her uplifting, scary and amazingly clear answer to that question. Her new book the Bond is about filling the emptiness between us with a whole new kind of living meaning and relationship. Based on solid science, the Bond reveals that we are much closer to one another than we think, and as our world undergoes increasingly rapid change, we can use her findings to create a whole new kind of human community.
Coast to Coast AM - 08-27-11 - Hurricane Irene Coverage
Coast to Coast AM - 08-27-11 - Hurricane Irene Coverage <--
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: John Coleman, Howard Bloom, Captain Kelly Sweeney, Stan Deyo, Mark Lerner, Open Lines
Ian Punnett provided coverage of Hurricane Irene and spoke about the storm with several guests, including TV weatherman John Coleman, multi-disciplinary scientist Howard Bloom, Captain Kelly Sweeney, research physicist Stan Deyo, and astrologer Mark Lerner. The final half of the show was devoted to Open Lines. <--
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: John Coleman, Howard Bloom, Captain Kelly Sweeney, Stan Deyo, Mark Lerner, Open Lines
Ian Punnett provided coverage of Hurricane Irene and spoke about the storm with several guests, including TV weatherman John Coleman, multi-disciplinary scientist Howard Bloom, Captain Kelly Sweeney, research physicist Stan Deyo, and astrologer Mark Lerner. The final half of the show was devoted to Open Lines.
Coast to Coast AM