Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dreamland - 06-17-11 - Recovering the Power of the Past

Dreamland - 06-17-11 - Recovering the Power of the Past  <--

Freddy Silva is one of Dreamland's most frequent and most popular guests. Now he has published what Whitley Strieber considers one of the most important books ever written about our lost past. What is so incredible is that Freddy has figured out how to actually use these ancient places of power to reawaken our souls and our memories. In this spellbinding interview, he explains to us just why we lost our understanding of the truth, and how we can use places of power to regain it.

Coast to Coast AM - 06-24-11 - Missing Persons in Nevada

Coast to Coast AM - 06-24-11 - Missing Persons in Nevada  <--

Host: George Knapp
Guests: Curtiss C. Kull

Filling in for George Noory, George Knapp welcomed Humboldt County Undersheriff Curtiss Kull for an update on the mysterious disappearances of several people in Northern Nevada (Related Image). They were joined by Jim Carnes, whose father, Patrick F. Carnes, is one of those missing.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 06-23-11 - Mayan Calendar & Transformation

Coast to Coast AM - 06-23-11 - Mayan Calendar & Transformation  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Carl Johan Calleman, Steve Quayle

Carl Johan Calleman Ph.D. began his studies on the Mayan calendar in 1979 and now lectures throughout the world. He appeared during the middle two hours to discuss the changes he sees on the horizon and why October 28, 2011 is more important than December of 2012. The ancient Mayans believed there are nine levels of evolution or consciousness. On March 9, 2011 the Ninth Wave was activated, which is the highest level of evolution, and while it signals the start of unity consciousness, it also brings a great turbulence because this wave develops at a much higher frequency, he explained.

Calleman has consistently said for more than 15 years that the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar is on October 28, 2011-- not December 21, 2012. He concluded this based on correlating the dates with the Mayan's Sacred 260-day calendar, which is still in use. The comet Elenin will be closest to Earth on October 21st, and he connected its arrival with the Hopi Prophecy of the Blue Star, and said the comet was an amazing synchronicity with the end of the Mayan calendar, "in a way that we human beings cannot fathom." Calleman, along with Richard C. Hoagland and others, will participate in an online conference on comet Elenin, this Friday morning, at 11am PT.

While Calleman sees the unity mindset of the Ninth Wave as a major advancement for humanity, he warned that this new world will also be associated with chaotic earth changes, such as major quakes, which we might expect to see around October 28th. Interestingly, he noted that there are Mayan inscriptions that point to such far-in-the-future dates as 4772 AD, so in ancient times, they had no concept of the world coming to end.

The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.

Death of Nuclear Experts

First hour guest, researcher Steve Quayle reacted to a report about 5 Russian nuke experts dying in a plane crash. It was an "orchestrated assassination," he declared, with similarities to the death of biological weapons experts in Israel, as well as the "execution" of Sec. of Commerce Ron Brown. The removal of the nuke experts, who had assisted in Iran's nuclear plant development, indicates "that the war in the intelligence field and world is going on full blast," and it was likely done to put Iran at a disadvantage, he suggested.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 06-22-11 - Men in Black

Coast to Coast AM - 06-22-11 - Men in Black   <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Nick Redfern, Susan Smith Jones

British ufologist Nick Redfern discussed his research into the Men in Black (MIB) phenomenon, in which he looked at numerous cases from the start of UFO sightings to the present day. The first report of Men in Black was associated with Albert Bender, who was studying UFOs in the early 1950s and formed a popular group called the International Flying Saucer Bureau. But then, he suddenly shut the organization down after he was visited by three men wearing black suits who told him that he was getting too close to the truth, and if he knew what was good for him, he'd leave the subject alone. Later, researcher Gray Barker popularized Bender's tale, and implied that the Men in Black were government agents, Redfern detailed.

In many of the MIB accounts, witnesses describe the visitors as having somewhat odd appearances and behavior, including bulging eyes, being very short, sometimes lacking in emotion, and suddenly disappearing. Their goal always seems to be intimidation, which is typically accomplished with veiled threats, said Redfern, who added that he found it curious that people invariably allowed these strangers into their homes, which indicates the MIBs might employ a kind of hypnosis.

Redfern has concluded there may be more than one group behind the MIB phenomenon. For instance, there is documented evidence that government agents have visited people who've reported UFO sightings, yet some of the paranormal aspects to MIB visitations suggest there may also be alien/hybrids making their own visits to determine how much people know about them. Joshua P. Warren proposed an interesting theory to Redfern-- that MIBs may actually be time travelers. The reason they wear the black suits is because this look will fit in in many time periods, and this might also explain why the cars they drive are sometimes out of date, Warren said.

Choices & Change

First hour guest, health consultant Susan Smith Jones talked about her 30-day program (book link) that people can follow to enhance their well being, and reach their highest potential. Everyday we have countless choices to make, and our choices determine our level of health and how we feel, she explained, adding that if we "choose the best for us, cultivate a holistic lifestyle, and celebrate our blessings," we can become more successful and happy.