Saturday, November 19, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 11-18-2011 - Demons 101 & Open Lines

Coast to Coast AM - 11-18-2011 - Demons 101 & Open Lines  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: K.W. Kesler, Open Lines

In the first half, paranormal and occult researcher K.W. Kesler provided an overview on demonic forces and the tribes of demons that live among humans today, as well as talked about what he believes will happen in 2012. Open Lines followed. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 11-17-2011 - Physics Milestones

Coast to Coast AM - 11-17-2011 - Physics Milestones  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Clifford Pickover, Bill Mumy, Marc Zicree

Author of forty books on such topics as mathematics, black holes, and alien life, Cliff Pickover, discussed his latest work, The Physics Book, which presents 250 milestones in the history of physics. The milestones include thought provoking topics such as parallel universes, dark energy, and "quantum immortality," as well as some fascinating curiosities. Quantum immortality, he explained, is based on the idea that in subatomic physics, two different choices are simultaneously possible, thus creating an infinite number of worlds. So, in this 'many worlds' paradigm, you might seem to live forever because there'd always be one reality where you didn't die. Another topic he addressed was the 'Big Rip,' which suggests that the universe is rapidly expanding, and that our solar system could eventually rip apart.

One of the curiosities he spoke about was Dyson Spheres-- a hypothetical proposal by the physicist Freeman Dyson, in which an advanced civilization could make a sphere that surrounds our sun to capture all its energy. Pickover also talked about unusual ancient technology such as the Baghdad Battery and the Antikythera Mechanism, as well as a kind of natural nuclear reactor created two billion years ago.

Sci-Fi Nostalgia

First hour guest, actor and musician Bill Mumy joined George in the studio, to reminisce about his roles in Twilight Zone and Lost in Space, as well as Babylon 5 in the 1990s, where he had to undergo hours-long physical transformations in which foam rubber was glued to his head in order to play the alien, Lennier. Writer Marc Zicree joined the latter part of the conversation, and he & Mumy praised Rod Serling's singular and enduring vision for the Twilight Zone series. Mumy also talked about his new CD, Until the Big Bang Whimpers, and several of the tracks were played as bumper music.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 11-16-2011 - Economic Problems - Ghostly Activities

Coast to Coast AM - 11-16-2011 - Economic Problems - Ghostly Activities  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Craig R. Smith, Annie Wilder

In the first half, author and tangible asset expert Craig R. Smith discussed the economic problems that face the US and the world today, including what he calls the 'Inflation Deception.' We're getting ready to face a 10-30 year period of difficult times in America, as we deal with the last 40 years of "massive increases of personal, government, sovereign debt," he said. "The American people have been deceived to believe we can create money out of thin air, and there'll never be a day of reckoning," but that reckoning began in 2007, and we've only seen the tip of the iceberg, he continued. Further, the government has created what he calls an "inflatocracy," in which people are given money through entitlement programs, but don't produce anything.

The more of anything you create, the less it's worth, and that's what's happening to the US dollar, with the Fed printing more and more currency, he explained. Smith outlined a number of steps people can do to collectively change the situation: Vote inflation out, by electing honest lawmakers; demand our politicians pass balanced budget amendments immediately; allow for alternative currencies and break the dollar's monopoly; create a better and more egalitarian tax system; and consider restoring the gold standard or authorize states to use gold or silver coins.


In the latter half, author Annie Wilder discussed her abilities and connections to the spirit world, the peculiar habits of ghosts, and experiences in the astral world. When she moved into an old house in Hastings, MN, she sensed there was one ghost there, but was surprised to discover a whole array of ghosts who come through via portals at various times. Among the entities she's encountered, was a 5 ft. tall "black blob" that seemed to have an awareness and moved quickly to the front hallway once she spotted it. She's also seen bobbing balls of light in her home, about 12-15 inches in diameter, which she believes are spirit energies of the deceased.

At her previous home in Hudson, WI, Wilder had a bizarre and disturbing etheric/astral vision, in which the walls of her bedroom melted away, and she could see outside where it was winter (when in fact, it was summer). Standing in her yard was a man with a gun, who shot her in the back, and she witnessed the incident from multiple perspectives simultaneously. Wilder also shared trucker's ghost stories (the subject of her forthcoming book), and tips for clearing a home of negative energy, such as using prayer, sage, sea salt, and fresh air, and viewing yourself as an "energy steward" for keeping things positive.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 11-15-2011 - Regenerative Medicine - Dulce Base

Coast to Coast AM - 11-15-2011 - Regenerative Medicine - Dulce Base  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Anthony F. Sanchez, Christian Wilde

In the first half, researcher Christian Wilde talked about the emerging field of regenerative medicine, and how scientists are actually building replacement body parts with stem cells. He announced that Dr. Richard Burt at Northwestern University's School of Medicine has been successfully using patients own bone marrow stem cells to treat a variety of autoimmune diseases like Lupus, and Type 1 Diabetes. It may be possible to expand human lifespan up to around 150 years, Wilde declared, now that replacement organs such as kidneys and livers can be grown in a matter of 6-8 weeks.

He cited an instance where new stem cells were injected into the cadaver heart of a rat, and in a few days it started beating again. And, he added, at the Univ. of Pittsburgh, a Marine who lost his right hand, has had a successful transplant of a cadaver hand. Wilde also spoke about heart health, and the importance of taking homocysteine and CRP (C-Reactive Protein) tests in order to monitor cardiac issues and inflammation. Supplements such as turmeric can reduce inflammation and protect against some cancers, he noted.


In the latter half, software engineer and UFO researcher, Anthony F. Sanchez, presented details about an underground base in Dulce, New Mexico, and its connection to the Greys. Much of his information comes from "Colonel X," a retired military whistleblower, who wishes to remain to anonymous. Col. X told him he was assigned to work at the Dulce base after a 1979 breech in which the military battled the Greys over the human abduction issue, and many people involved in the fight ended up missing or dead. (The violent engagement concurs with the late Phil Schneider's account-- Col. X claims to have met with Schneider).

The Greys are actually not aliens; they were created by a progenitor race here on Earth around 25,000 years ago, Sanchez explained. The Greys are still working out of the Dulce base, as well as at the Pine Gap underground base in Australia, he said. Currently at Dulce, there's conventional weapons development using plasma nuclear technology, bio-experimentation that accounts for the cattle and animal mutilations, and genetic testing that relates to human abductions in the area, he continued.

Bill Birnes appeared briefly to share some of his research into the Dulce base. For his UFO Hunters series, he interviewed police officer Gabe Valdez, who didn't believe aliens were there, but there were strange experiments taking place-- for example, a cow's body with a human head attached to it was found at one point.