Saturday, July 2, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-01-11 - The Afterlife, NDEs & Open Lines

Coast to Coast AM - 07-01-11 - The Afterlife, NDEs & Open Lines  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Open Lines, Jeffrey Long

In the first half, George Noory welcomed researcher Dr. Jeffrey Long for a discussion on evidence for an afterlife, electronic voice phenomena, and near-death experiences (related link). Open Lines followed.

The final half-hour featured a replay of part of George's 5/18/09 interview with world renowned medium James Van Praagh. 

Dreamland - 07-02-11 - Linda Moulton Howe

Dreamland - 07-02-11 - Linda Moulton Howe  <--

Linda Moulton Howe received a standing ovation at the Dreamland Festival on June 25 for a reason. It was one of the most extraordinary reports she has ever delivered. She discussed it again during the first hour on Coast to Coast AM on June 30, and this weekend on Dreamland we're going to get deeply into this astonishing and important story. Do not buy into the false idea that the drones were a hoax or that they are some sort of secret military hardware. They were dismissed by many as a hoax because they didn't fit the expectations of UFO investigators. Other people found them so frightening that they preferred to believe that they must belong to us. But photoanalysis has proved that they were no hoax, and observer reports confirm that their technology is beyond our physics even to understand.

Last Thursday night, Linda reported on the drones on Coast to Coast AM, and here she and Whitley Strieber go deeply into the meaning of that report. Hidden in the information we have now are some truly remarkable ideas about who the creators of the drones may be and what they are doing here. In addition, there was a very revealing connection between Linda's drones presentation 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 06-30-11 - Black Holes, Drones, & Energy

Coast to Coast AM - 06-30-11 - Black Holes, Drones, & Energy  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Catherine Austin Fitts

Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed matter-eating black holes & growing galaxies, sightings of dragonfly-shaped drones and ET contacts in Alabama, and cold fusion as an energy solution for the future. In her first report, she interviewed Prof. of Astrophysics Mitchell Begelman who discussed new findings that suggest there were around 30 million super-massive black holes present in the early days of the universe. The research also indicates that every galaxy has a black hole at its center, and they play a role in the evolution of the cosmos. "The Milky Way galaxy has a black hole...with a mass about 4 million times the mass of the sun," he noted. More here.

In a two-segment interview, Linda spoke with "Ted Connors," a security specialist for a Homeland Security subcontractor in Montgomery, Alabama. In 2007, he'd witnessed a dragonfly-shaped drone similar to what was seen around that time in California (see photos below). Then in October 2010, he had another strange encounter in the same geographic location as the sighting. Connors described a telepathic encounter where he saw in his mind a text saying "WE ARE OF OLTISSIS. THE 23RD PLANET IN OUR SYSTEM," as well as further text as to why these beings were visiting and using the drones. Later, he found references to Oltissis in a book he checked out from the library called Ancient Greek Gods and Lore Revisited by Fredrico Ionnides. Curiously, after this, he said he was vistited by government agents who asked him to turn in the book to them. For more, see Part 1 and Part 2 of her report.

Linda also interviewed Prof. of Electrical Engineering Peter Haglestein about cold fusion. While the groundbreaking research of scientists Fleischmann and Pons into cold fusion as an energy source wasn't able to replicated in the past, there has recently been a resurgence of interest. Now, from Italy to Japan to the United States, scientists are reporting cold fusion breakthroughs and on June 11 - 12, 2011, MIT hosted a Cold Fusion Colloquium, announcing some of the promising new evidence. More here.

Economy Update

Making a studio appearance in the first hour, financial consultant Catherine Austin Fitts shared updates about the economy. Certain parts of the commercial sector are doing well, like some of the technology companies in Silicon Valley, and people marketing their own products on the Internet, she noted. But the situation in Greece demonstrates how government is being re-engineered to be dictated to by creditors, she continued, adding that "it's all part of this process of moving places run by government to places increasingly run by corporations and private investors."

Coast to Coast AM - 06-29-11 - Alternative Energy - Global Elite

Coast to Coast AM - 06-29-11 - Alternative Energy - Global Elite  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: F. William Engdahl, David Blume

In the first half, ecological biologist David Blume shared updates on nuclear power plant situations, and alternative fuel and energy. In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Germany has said they won't build new nuclear plants, he noted, adding that what's really going on at the Fukushima plant has been covered up and is nowhere near over. "We're looking at the potential of a 'China Syndrome' happening at at least four different reactors...and there are 20 radioactive cores melting through floors and buildings," he revealed. The ocean is contaminated from Japan's leak, and radioactive tuna has shown up on our shore, he continued.

A bill in the Senate was recently snuck through that eliminated alcohol fuel tax credits, Blume reported, but he hopes that Obama will veto it. Most cars can run on up to 50% alcohol fuel without any modifications, and the making of alcohol fuel represents a huge growth opportunity for small business, he said. Small enterprises making alcohol can use the leftover byproduct liquid to make methane, or put it to other uses, he detailed. Right now there are over 2,000 stations that sell alcohol (ethanol) fuel, and his website features a Station Finder.


In the second half, William Engdahl, who has written on issues of energy, politics and economics for more than 30 years, shared his contention that a group of global elite control the world's resources. There are about 150,000 to 200,000 families "who really see themselves as gods and the rest of us as simply worker bees or ants to be crushed if we get in their way," he commented. They have been bred not to care about those outside their class and have a pathological desire for power, as well as an agenda to reduce the world's population, he outlined.

With the reduction of civil liberties in the wake of 9-11, fear is the dominant emotion, and the elite use that fear to manipulate us, Engdahl suggested. He also spoke about how the mythos of oil scarcity was used to drive up prices, and the notion of GMO foods and patented seeds got its start at the Rockefeller Foundation, under the concept of "agribusiness." He shared a quote from Henry Kissinger that aptly shows the potential for misuses of power: "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 06-28-11 - Prophecy & Apocalypse

Coast to Coast AM - 06-28-11 - Prophecy & Apocalypse  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: L. A. Marzulli, Tad Friend

Author and researcher L.A. Marzulli discussed his latest research on biblical prophecy that suggests to him that the recent increase in global turmoil, calamities, and earth changes are the birth pangs of the apocalypse. The month of April had the deadliest weather in American history, and along with the Fukushima earthquake in March and various other events (see list), Marzulli has concluded that we are in an unprecedented period. "Something's been let attack humankind in a way that we've never seen and it's manifesting in the earthquakes and the volcanic activity," he warned.

There seems to be a body in the solar system that is affecting the lunar surface, which has made an anomalous rotation, he said. This could be what prophecy in the Bible referred to as "signs in the heaven," while the ancient Book of Enoch wrote "the moon shall alter her order and not appear at her time," he noted. "When we plug in Planet X, Nibiru, Elenin, Comet Honda, and others that seem to be manifesting in the sky-- what are we really looking at? It's alarming in my opinion," Marzulli commented, adding that we may be witnessing the effects of a Cosmic War taking place in a dimension that we don't see.

He related research being done on alien implants by Dr. Roger Leir-- how some of the surgically removed devices seem to reconstruct themselves within a 24-hour period, and may be used to alter DNA. Marzulli conjectured that this technology might be a prototype for the 'mark of the beast,' and a coming deception in which humankind is offered an implanted chip, that could expand lifespan to 500 years, disease free.

Planning for Asteroids

First hour guest, writer Tad Friend spoke about near-earth asteroids and efforts to shield Earth from their impacts. In the last 15 years, there's been real progress in detecting such asteroids, yet we still don't have a plan in place about what to do if an collision is likely, he reported. He outlined three different options:

* Gravity Tracker-- a small rocket that would hover near an asteroid and tweak its orbit, gradually over time.
* Kinetic Impactor-- running a heavy object into the asteroid to knock it off course.
* Nuclear Weapons-- for an asteroid that is much larger/closer to us.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 06-27-11 - Washington UFOs

Coast to Coast AM - 06-27-11 - Washington UFOs  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Robert M. Stanley, Lauren Weinstein

UFO expert and editor of Unicus Magazine, Robert Stanley discussed how the location of Washington DC has been a hotbed for UFO activity over the years. Hundreds of people witnessed the numerous 1952 sightings over the Capitol, and some took photos and movies, which the government attempted to confiscate, he stated. According to his sources, during this time, two US jets went up to intercept one of the UFOs over Capitol Hill, and "were either disintegrated or beamed up and never returned."

The National Mall has had a lot of UFO activity, said Stanley, describing an incident that took place at the Millennial celebration held there on January 1, 2000, in which witnesses reportedly saw cylindrical motherships that released smaller triangular craft. The UFOs were said to suddenly disappear when military helicopters swooped in. Stanley said that he himself has been subject to visitations from unmarked black helicopters hovering over his home, possibly to harass him over his UFO research.

UFOs/ETs have focused on Washington because it's the seat of power, and further, there appears to be an alien base underneath the city, he argued. He arrived at this conclusion because of the frequency of the sightings, witnesses that have described craft that hover low to the ground and disappear, and the huge number of tunnels and bases known to exist underground in the area. Alarmingly, Stanley suggested that these alien or interdimensional visitors may actually be controlling key leaders in the government.

Video Game Ruling

First hour guest, technology & privacy expert Lauren Weinstein commented on the Supreme Court ruling on violent video games. The Court ruled appropriately, protecting video games in a similar fashion to books, movies, and records, from a free speech/civil liberties perspective, he said. "The implication of the ruling is clear that this is a decision to be made by parents whether or not they wish their children to have access to these materials," he added. 

Coast to Coast AM - 06-26-11 - Rock Music & 1970

Coast to Coast AM - 06-26-11 - Rock Music & 1970  <--

Host: George Knapp
Guests: David Browne, Major Ed Dames

Many people point to 1969 as being a pivotal year for change. But Rolling Stone writer David Browne is more convinced that 1970 is the true culprit to the end of peace and love. He joined George Knapp to look at how 1970 changed the world through the stories of four rock and roll bands/musical artists-- The Beatles, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY), Simon & Garfunkel, and James Taylor. The year 1970 saw a number of pivotal events like Kent State, when four student protestors were shot and killed by the National Guard.

1970 was also the year that both Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin died, and the Beatles, CSNY, and Simon & Garfunkel all broke up, Browne noted. He recounted the events leading up to the Beatles disbanding: They had just recorded Let it Be, and McCartney and Lennon were in disagreement over who should manage their business affairs. Then McCartney sent out a press release about his upcoming solo record, which was in conflict with the release date for Let it Be. McCartney's record was delayed, angering him, and setting off a chain of repercussions that led to the break-up at the end of 1970.

Simon & Garfunkel (whom a record exec. said had a name that sounded like either a comedy act or a department store) were at the height of their popularity with their hit song Bridge Over Troubled Water, when they decided to call it quits, said Browne. The super group CSNY had a lot of tensions, as well as conflicts between Stephen Stills and Neil Young, though you would never know it from the mellow sound of their last record, Deju Vu, Browne commented. And James Taylor, he noted, gradually became a sensation in 1970, as his song Fire and Rain turned into a huge hit with fans seeking a more introspective sound.

Carnes Remote Viewed

First hour guest, remote viewing teacher Maj. Ed Dames announced that he'd remote viewed the location of missing person Patrick Carnes (the case was featured on the C2C 6/24/11 show), and that his remains were likely located 23 miles east of Winnemucca, NV (map provided below). Dames also said he was working with law enforcement on several other missing person cases.

News segment guest: Scott Portzline

Monday, June 27, 2011

Dreamland - 06-25-11 - The True Terror of Men in Black

Dreamland - 06-25-11 - The True Terror of Men in Black  <--

Think Men in Black are a movie joke? Think again. What Nick Redfern has discovered is, frankly, terrifying. The MIB phenomenon is real and its growing, not getting less. But what does it mean and WHO ARE THEY? Nick is one of the best paranormal researchers around, and this show is evidence of his expertise. Did you know that MIBs appear not only in connection with UFO events? Did you know that there is evidence that they might be an ominous portent of our own future? And yet, some of them seem to be government agents, other more like some sort of bizarre alien presence.

One thing is all but certain: they are very real, and Nick has done an extraordinary job of uncovering some of their deepest secrets!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 06-25-11 - 'Contempt of Cop'

Coast to Coast AM - 06-25-11 - 'Contempt of Cop'  <--

Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: George DeAngelis

Rochester native Emily Good was arrested on her front lawn for filming a traffic stop (related video). George DeAngelis, former assistant chief of police in El Paso, TX, and professor of criminology at Park University, joined Ian to discuss why some officers have "contempt of cop," a power hungry disorder that often leads to unnecessary arrests. Good's friend and eyewitness to her arrest, Ryan Acuff, appeared in the first half-hour.

The final hour featured Open Lines.