Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dreamland - 07-15-11 - Wonders in the Sky

Dreamland - 07-15-11 - Wonders in the Sky  <--

UFOs are not a recent phenomenon. In fact, they've been with us from deepest antiquity, and famed researchers Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck have written a powerful new book detailing cases of UFO sightings and close encounters that go back into deepest antiquity. Whitley Strieber says, "the first edition of this book, called Passport to Magonia, completely changed my understanding of this phenomenon. This is mind opening and mind blowing material." Listen as Whitley interviews Chris Aubeck about his brilliant book. These stories will astound you.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-14-11 - UFO Photographs & ET Contacts

Coast to Coast AM - 07-14-11 - UFO Photographs & ET Contacts  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Wilbur Allen

Former White House/Air Force One engineer for ABC News, Wilbur Allen has been a contactee since childhood when he was implanted. In recent years, he has forensically documented sightings and anomalies through photography. Describing his first abduction at five years old, he said the grey ETs looked like they had the physique of small, slender children. The entities use a technology that applies a dampening field to the human brain, preventing abductees from screaming or running away, he reported. In repeated abductions (which he said were accomplished via a transporter technology) he found himself on a gurney in a darkened space, being looked at by hybrids. The implant he received at an early age made him physically ill for the first 18 years of his life, he revealed.

Allen, who lives in the Washington DC area, said he is given mental cues to take photographs at certain locations. While he doesn't always see anomalies with the naked eye, what he believes are craft consistently show up in his photos, some of which are taken at 1/8000th of a second, suggesting that some of the activity is occurring at speeds too fast for the human eye to see. At the US Capitol, he saw small green luminous orbs, as well as larger ones the size of a VW Beetle. He described one of the objects he photographed in DC as having plasma-like qualities, and oscillating in three dimensions simultaneously, before exiting in a "stargate."

He witnessed "non-corporeal" ETs at the US Capitol building, anomalies that entered the water at the reflection pool, as well as unexplained aerial objects at the Washington Monument during the fireworks. Some of the images he's captured are a match to the UFOs photographed over DC during the 1952 wave, he said, adding that he believes there may be an alien base at an underground location there, explaining why Washington has so much UFO activity.

GM Foods Update

First hour guest, author and filmmaker Jeffrey Smith shared updates on GM crops and food safety. The USDA recently announced that they won't bother to evaluate or regulate genetically modified bluegrass. Announcements like this raise concern as "most future genetically modified crops could theoretically go on the market without any regulatory oversight by the USDA, EPA or FDA, and they don't even have to tell the public that these non-food crops are being planted in lawns, forests, shrubs, etc.," he noted. Smith suggested people specifically shop for non-GMO products to create pressure within the industry to make changes.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-13-11 - Singularity & Apocalyptic Perspectives

Coast to Coast AM - 07-13-11 - Singularity & Apocalyptic Perspectives  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Jonathan Zap, Craig Hulet

Researcher and philosopher Jonathan Zap discussed the surge in apocalyptic predictions and how they relate to the 'Singularity Archetype,' the collective unconscious, and the evolution of humanity. We live in a time when people believe the apocalypse is around the corner, whether coming in 2012 with the end of the Mayan calendar (see his article/podcast Carnival 2012), or as predicted in various other prophecies. Yet, in whatever age people have lived in, they've been predisposed to believe "the end is near." The reason for this, he suggested, is that they have anxiety over their own death. But if everyone is going to die together, this is a more satisfying or comforting notion for the ego to consider than just the death of oneself, he explained.

The Singularity Archetype "is a primordial image of human evolutionary metamorphosis which emerges from the collective unconscious. The Singularity Archetype builds on archetypes of death and rebirth and adds information about the evolutionary potential of both species and individual," Zap writes. He pointed to several images (see below) which show different aspects of the Archetype. The film 2001: A Space Odyssey, for instance, depicts a character's travel through an interdimensional corridor or stargate. "He's basically crossing the event horizon," and experiencing the death of his old form, said Zap, who noted the similarity of this to the way near-death experiences have been described.

In order for humanity to evolve, we need shocks to the system that can be highly disruptive, Zap argued. "The message from the Singularity Archetype is that what looks like the worst thing in the world, may be exactly what is necessary to create a quantum evolutionary jump," he said, adding that this is true on an individual level as well, so that when a dire event happens to a person, it may prove to be a great moment of opportunity.

Current Events Analysis

First hour guest, consultant Craig B. Hulet offered analysis of current events. While he believes an agreement will be reached on the debt ceiling, the economy is going to get worse with increased foreclosures, unemployment, and bankruptcies, as well as rising gas prices. He concurred with reports that suggested bin Laden was not the head of al Qaeda. He didn't mastermind terrorist plots, but was rather an influential zealot, said Hulet.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-12-11 - Conspiracies & Cures

Coast to Coast AM - 07-12-11 - Conspiracies & Cures  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Massimo Mazzucco, Laurie Ann Levin

Italian filmmaker and conspiracy theorist Massimo Mazzucco discussed his work researching the 9-11 attacks, as well as alternative cures for cancer, including the work of Dr. Tullio Simoncini who claims to cure cancer with baking soda. While Simoncini been persecuted and discredited for his treatments, Mazzucco found evidence that they have worked on numerous patients, who have made astonishing recoveries. His approach is based on the idea that cancer is caused by the fungus candida, when it grows out of control. The fungus is killed by sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), which can be applied directly onto tumors via a catheter, Mazzucco explained.

Mazzucco suggested that a number of alternative cancer treatments can be successful, depending on what stage the cancer is. In addition to Simoncini, other treatments profiled in his documentary include Gerson therapy, Rene Caisse's herbal formula, the Hoxsey cure, and shark cartilage. Chemotherapy, he suggested, actually has carcinogenic properties, while marijuana has shown potential to fight cancer.

While he doesn't propose a complete explanation for what happened during the 9-11 attacks, he has gathered evidence to show that the official version of the events is false. For instance, there are no airport security images of the hijackers, yet a number of their photos and ID papers were recovered intact after the plane crashes. He also cited the account of a janitor named William Rodriguez who said he heard an explosion before the plane hit the tower, and how the 9-11 Commission discarded his testimony. The common denominator in various conspiracies is that the "power elite" want to control the masses through the manipulation of information, he added.

Unity Theory

First hour guest, psychologist Dr. Laurie Ann Levin talked about "Unity Theory," which she described as the idea that are we are linked together as one through consciousness. One way this occurs is through the air itself, which on a quantum level has consciousness that we can receive, she said. For more, see her article (PDF file) for Elevated Existence magazine.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-11-11 - Explaining the Paranormal

Coast to Coast AM - 07-11-11 - Explaining the Paranormal  <--

Host: George Noory
Guests: Richard Wiseman, Mitch Battros

Author and psychologist specializing in the psychology of the paranormal, Richard Wiseman, discussed his twenty years of research into the paranormal and why he takes a somewhat skeptical perspective on phenomena such as ghosts, out-of-body experiences, psychics and mind control. While many people have what they call paranormal experiences, he views them as "very sophisticated and very interesting illusions where for one reason or another we're kidding ourselves about those experiences without realizing it." People, and Americans in particular, are predisposed to believe in the paranormal, as part of their psychological make-up, he added.

The bereaved, he continued, sometimes see ghostly apparitions of their recently departed loved ones, and this may be partially the brain coming to terms with the loss, and making them feel better. Wiseman conducted investigations at haunted sites in the U.K. such as the Hampton Court Palace and determined that people are feeling genuinely odd sensations, but these are brought about by physical phenomena such as infrasound which can cause vibrations in the body. He also studied the case of a dog who supposedly sensed just before his owner was about to return. While parapsychologist Rupert Sheldrake believed the dog had a psychic ability, Wiseman concluded the pet was simply going to the window more and more frequently.

Regarding Ouija boards, Wiseman actually encourages people to play with them. Rather than spirits dictating messages, he suggested it's a subconscious ideomotor action, and when the letters on the board are covered up, the messages turn out to be gibberish. He also spoke about his studies of the luck factor, and "quirkology," in which people's behavior doesn't match up to what they say. Wiseman will be speaking at James Randi's Amaz!ng Meeting, "a celebration of critical thinking and skepticism," later this week in Las Vegas.

Weather & Solar Changes

First hour guest, earth changes expert Mitch Battros shared updates. Regarding the current spate of extremely hot weather, he commented that such patterns are cyclical and cited heat waves that occurred between 1925-35 in which temperatures soared up to 130 degrees in a number of American states. He also talked about changes in solar activity, with a recent M class flare having the same impact as a larger, X-class flare.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-10-11 - Angel Wars

Coast to Coast AM - 07-10-11 - Angel Wars  <--

Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Steve Quayle, Joe Meyer

Guest host John B. Wells (email) welcomed author and researcher Steve Quayle, who discussed the secret powerful forces aligned against humanity since ancient times, and how genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics are permanently changing the world for better or worse. He observed that "in every single country of the world," there are legends which tell of entities who come to Earth not only bestowing their secrets upon humans, but also "going to war with mankind." Quayle observed that this overarching theme is "too formidable a subject to ignore in any way, shape, or form."

He traced the root of this battle to be a "supernatural, evil hierarchy" using misguided humans to corrupt God's works here on Earth. These human agents of Satan, he said, believe they will be given greater power by yielding their free will to dark forces. However, Quayle warned, "that power, they yield to, will ultimately consume and destroy them." He pointed to transhumanism as a key aspect of this agenda. "The goal is not to help humanity be all we can be," he lamented. Instead, Quayle contended that the aim is to create a race of quasi-gods which will supplant the human race as we know it. "If anything, the old style human beings will be an irritation, or reminder, of what the transhumanists once were," he surmised.

Additionally, according to Quayle, the current economic crisis is actually an orchestrated tool being used to advance this Satanic agenda. To that end, he explained that sinister power brokers are "throwing the world into a global economic meltdown in order to bring about the New World Order under Lucifer." The unrest in the Middle East, ongoing "weather wars," and the increased police state in America are also facets of this ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil. While Quayle conceded that he is "not a prophet" and was reticent to predict how things may unfold, he theorized that the much-discussed December 21, 2012 date may be their target to "launch their world program."

Economic Outlook

In the first hour, financial analyst Joe Meyer provided an update on a number of facets surrounding the economic crisis including the debt ceiling, the dollar as world reserve currency, and the rising price of gold and silver. Chillingly, he expressed absolute certainty that the United States is facing an impending double dip recession. In order to turn things around, Meyer suggested a massive overhaul of America's infrastructure, in order to help create new jobs, much like the WPA helped the US end the Depression. In the long term, he pointed to three "cornerstones" that will need to be enacted in order to develop an economic recovery that can be sustained: revitalize manufacturing, bolster consumer confidence, and increase the savings rate.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Coast to Coast AM - 07-09-11 - The Hermetica

Coast to Coast AM - 07-09-11 - The Hermetica  <--

Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince

Historical researchers, Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince joined Ian Punnett for a discussion on how the rediscovery of lost Egyptian documents not only fueled the Renaissance but also launched the bedrock of the Enlightenment. They explained that the texts, collectively dubbed the Hermetica, consisted of a series of treatises written by separate authors who were "all members of the same, depending on how you look at it, philosophical school or religious cult." So profound were the writings of the Hermetica, Prince contended, that they had more impact on Western culture than any other book except for the Bible and, in modern culture, the collection's influence even surpasses that of the Biblical texts.

The duo went on to explain that the Hermetica had been "banned and rejected" by the Christian Church which saw the texts as occult and resulted in them disappearing from Europe "for a long time." However, the Hermetica reemerged in the middle of the 15th century, which Prince claimed "kicked off the Renaissance." To that end, Picknett said that the return of the Hermetica in Europe created a frenzy amongst the thinkers of the day, so much so that the scholars tasked with translating ancient texts were ordered to "drop everything" and turn their attention solely towards deciphering it. "Everyone was in a fever of excitement about it," she marveled.

According to Picknett, such legendary scientists as Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton were among the beneficiaries of the Hermetica's wisdom. This is because the concepts contained within the texts led these great thinkers to examine things in a different way and, thus, make great discoveries. Prince used the example of Isaac Newton, noting that he "took Hermetic principals and applied them to the physical properties of matter and that's what allowed him to crack the mystery of gravity." Ultimately, Picknett mused, the Hermetica gave these researchers "permission to be daring in their thoughts," because they were fueled by one of the principals contained in the texts which suggested that "we can do anything, so long as our minds are unlimited."