Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dreamland - 07-30-11 - Secret Chinese Missiles, New 911 Information, The Federal Reserve

Dreamland - 07-30-11 - Secret Chinese Missiles, New 911 Information, The Federal Reserve  <--

There have been major breakthroughs in 911 information recently and as usual Jim Marrs is way ahead of the curve. In a recent Vanity Fair magazine, a devastating article told the general public the truth that Saudi Princes were indeed involved in financing 911 and outlined their connections to the Bush family. When this began to be found out some years ago, the five who were involved all died mysteriously. That's just one of the facts about 911 that Jim Marrs and Whitley Strieber discuss on Dreamland today. Another is the fact that a US spy plane was recently chased out of China to Taiwan by the Chinese Air Force, causing another strain in relations between the two countries. But how strained are they, really. Listen as Jim offers his thoughts about a mysterious contrail that appeared off the coast of California last November--and how that may relate to a sudden power failure on a cruise ship passing beneath it.