Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dreamland - 07-08-11 - Bryan De Flores and the Language of Light

Dreamland - 07-08-11 - Bryan De Flores and the Language of Light  <--

Bryan de Flores had an absolute stunner of a contact experience. Not only did it change his life, it actually changed his body mass, causing him to grow two inches in a matter of hours. He sensed a change involving the pyramid at Giza, then found himself in contact with what he believes to be extraterrestrial entities.

The experience led him to a new profession, that of artist, and he has produced an extraordinary body of work as a result.

He believes that Earth is moving into a new level of reality very shortly, and here Marla Frees interviews him about his experiences and his expectations for the future. He sees profound changes for the better coming, and a lot of friction at higher levels as the change unfolds. Specifically, he sees our governments as slaves of dark powers, and a time coming when this power is going to be challenged once and for all.

As a result of his awakening, he creates what he calls 'templates' of energetic power, which can be seen at his website, As intricate as they are, these templates are created in minutes. They are designed to upgrade consciousness, heal the body and expand brain activity, just by being meditated on.